Leaders get things done through others.  So leaders must be masterful at relationship building, communicating, charting a course to the future, bringing out the best in others, and getting past conflict and fear to ignite energy, enthusiasm and progress.

Jill Davis (PACES, Inc.)  provides the extra brain and perspective you may need to get you to the place you want to be.  Everyone needs a thinking partner, an experienced guide, a source of ideas, techniques, insights and tools that will make it safe for you to

go for it! 

Member International Coach Federation (ICF) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC)


"Jill's (President & Owner, Paces, Inc.) engagement expanded so that we used her as a coach for me and my team to implement the actions we identified.  She was our "go to" adviser on a continuing basis.  When we initiated an even more ambitious  strategic planning exercise...we used her uncanny ability to translate her knowledge and insights into great client solutions.  She is a terrific coach and wise adviser."  Rhett Dawson (former President, Information Industry Technology Council) 

Why not
up your game
by working 
with an
executive coach?

Executive Coaching -- Team Coaching -- Transition Coaching -- Culture Change --Strategy Coaching